Pereira, C.; Alves, H.; Ferreira, J. (2016) “Impact of Tacit Knowledge on Tourist Loyalty: Some Evidence from Rural Tourism. Rural Tourism- From Concept to Practice. Oric Publications (Forthcoming)
Ramos, A.; Alves, H.; Leitão, J. (2016) Corporate Social Responsibility and Cause-related Marketing in School Sports Events: Assessing Consumption Decisions of External Stakeholders, in Developments in Corporate Responsibility and Stakeholding, Corporate Governance and Responsibility Series, Crowther, D. and Seifi, S. (editors). Springer. (Forthcoming).
Leitão. J.; Alves, H.; Pereira, D. (2016) Open Innovative Governance, Municipality’s Transparency and Citizens’ Quality of Life: Are they a perfectly matched trilogy?, in Entrepreneurial and Innovative Practices in Public Institutions: A Quality of Life Approach. Leitão, J. and Alves, H. (eds). Springer.pp:
Leitão. J,; Alves, H.; (2016) Open Innovative Governance, Municipality’s Transparency and Citizens’ Quality of Life: Are they a perfectly matched trilogy?, Forward
Schlesingera, W.; Cervera Taulet, A.; Alves, H.; Vázquez Burguete, J.L. (2016) An approach to measuring perceived quality of life in the city through a formative multidimensional perspective, in Entrepreneurial and Innovative Practices in Public Institutions: A Quality of Life Approach. Leitão, J. and Alves, H. (eds). Springer.pp:
Campón-Cerro; A.; Hernández-Mogollón, J.; Alves, H.; Di-Clemente, E. (2016) The tourist in rural destinations: an experiential approach based on his/her relationships with local people and surroundings, in Marketing Challenges for rural Tourism through co-creation of sustainable tourism experience, Castenholz, E. (Ed.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing (Forthcoming).
Godinho, J; Alves, H. (2015) Behavioural factors determining fruit consumption in adolescents and characteristics of advertising campaigns towards possible increased consumption in Innovations in Social Marketing and Public Health Communication: Improving the Quality of Life for Individuals and Communities, Wymer. W (ed.). Springer. P: 185-112. ISBN 978-3-319-19869-9
Pedro, E.; Alves, H.; Leitão, J. (2014) Evaluating Antecedents and consequents of student’s quality of academic life: A structural approach, in Using Data to Improve Higher Education – Research, Policy and Practice, Menon, M. E.; Terkla, D.G. and Gibbs, P. Editors.Sense Publishers, The Netherlands. pp 93-118. 10.1007/978-94-6209-794-0_7.
Vital, F.; Alves, H. (2014) The Relationship between Internal Marketing, Motivation and Satisfaction at Work, in Motivation: Psychology, Strategies and Impact on Performance, Ronald Morisson (editor), Nova Publishers. P:143-170. ISBN: 978-1-63321-738-6.
Vaz, R. A. ; Freira, D.; Vernazza, E.; Alves, H. (2016) Can students’ satisfaction indexes be applied the same way in different countries? International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, (forthcoming). DOI 10.1007/s12208-016-0155-x
Alves, H.; Ferreira, J.; Fernandes, C. (2016) Customer’s operant resources effects on co-creation activities, Journal of Innovation & Knowledge (forthcoming).
Alves, H.; Paço, A.; Roberto, C. (2016) The Influence of Internal Marketing On Organizational Commitment – The Evidence From Care Institutions For The Elderly, Market (forthcoming). Scopus
Ana María Campón-Cerro, José Manuel Hernández-Mogollón; Helena Maria Baptista Alves (2016) Sustainableimprovement of competitiveness in rural tourism destinations: The quest for tourist loyalty in Spain, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, (Forthcoming). ISI
Pedro, E.; Leitão, J.; Alves, H. (2016) Does the Quality of Academic Life matter for Students’ Performance, Loyalty and University Recommendation? Applied Research in Quality of Life. 11:293–316. Impact Factor: 0.818
Alves, H.; Fernandes, C.; Raposo, M. (2016) Value co-creation: Concept and contexts of application and study. Journal of Business Research. 69, pp:1626–1633. Impact Factor: Não disponivel
Alves, H. (2015) – UBICOOL – from theory to practice, Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 3 (3), pp: 193-203.
Silva, César M., Rosa, Silvério, Alves, Helena and Carvalho, Pedro G. (2015). A mathematical model for the customer dynamics based on marketing policy, Applied Mathemathics and Computation, 273, pp: 42-53. Impact Factor: Não disponivel
Campón-Cerro, Ana María, Alves, Helena Maria Baptista, Hernández-Mogollón, José Manuel (2015) Attachment as a factor in generating satisfaction with, and loyalty to, rural tourism destinations, Tourism & Management Studies, 11(1), pp: 70-76 (ISSN 2182-8458). Impact Factor: Não disponivel
Ferreira, J. J., Fernandes, C. I., Alves, H., & Raposo, M. L. (2015). Drivers of innovation strategies: Testing the Tidd and Bessant (2009) model. Journal of Business Research, 68(7), 1395-1403. Impact Factor: Não disponivel
Emerson. M.; Alves, H.; Mário R. (2015) The Expectations and Satisfaction Levels of Academic Journals Editors in their Relationships with Universities. Contextus -,Revista Contemporânea de Economia e Gestão, v. 13, p. 188-219.
Afonso, L.; Alves, H. (2014) The importance of physical evidence in hospitals: the case of the public hospital Pêro da Covilhã, Responsibility and Sustainability, Vol. 2, No.1, pp: 11-24.
Mainardes, Emerson Wagner, Raposo, Mário, Alves, Helena (2014). Universities Need a Market Orientation to Attract Non-Traditional Stakeholders as New Financing Sources. Public Organization Review. , v.14, p.159 – 171. Scopus indexed
Azêdo, D.; Alves, H. (2014) Internal marketing practices in health care and its influence on nurse motivation: public versus nonpublic management models. Home Health Care Management & Practice.Volume 26 Issue 2, pp. 92 – 100. Indexed in Scopus.
Paço, Arminda; Alves, Helena; Shiel, Chris; Leal Filho, Walter (2014). An analysis of the measurement of the construct ‘buying behaviour’ in green marketing. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences. 11:1, 55-69. ISI Listed. Impact Factor: 0.644
Emerson Mainardes, Helena Alves & Mario Raposo (2014) Using expectations and satisfaction to measure the frontiers of efficiency in public universities, Tertiary Education and Management, 20:4, 339-353. Scopus
Alves, H; Vázquez, J. L (2013) Best Practices in Marketing and their Impact on Quality of Life, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-94-007-5877-3 (Print) 978-94-007-5878-0 (Online).
Alves, H. (2013) Estrategias de promoción territorial en áreas rurales: el caso del município de Fundão, in Marketing y Sociedad: aplicaciones sectoriares del marketing no lucrativo. Rey Pino, J. y Polo Peña, A. (coords). Editorial Universdad de Granada. ISBN: 978-84-338-5546-6.
Vitorino, L.; Alves, H. (2013) Cocriação de valor do consumidor: consumer – business – society, in Comportamento do Consumidor: Quando a Neurociencia, a Psicologia, a Economia e o Marketing se encontram, Rodrigues, F.; Moreira, J. & Vitorino, L. (ed.) Viseu: PsicoSoma Editora.
Alves, H; Vázquez, J. L (2013) Quality-Of-Life Marketing: An Introduction to the Topic in Best Practices in Marketing and their Impact on Quality of Life, Alves, H. and Vázquez, J. L (editors.). pp: 3-15 Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-94-007-5877-3 (Print) 978-94-007-5878-0 (Online).
Alves, H; Vázquez, J. L (2013) Place marketing and residents’ perceptions of improvements on quality of life in Best Practices in Marketing and their Impact on Quality of Life, Alves, H. and Vázquez, J. L (editors.). pp: 119-134. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-94-007-5877-3 (Print) 978-94-007-5878-0 (Online).
Campón-Cerro, A.; Alves, H.; Hernández-Mogollón, J. (2013) Loyalty Measurement in Tourism: a Theoretical Reflection in Advances in Tourism Economics: Quantitative Methods, edited by Peter Nijkamp, Manuela Sarmento and Álvaro Matias. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp: 13-40.
Azêdo, D.; Alves, H. (2013) Internal marketing practices in health care and its influence on nurse motivation: public versus nonpublic management models. Home Health Care Management & Practice first published on November 25, 2013 as doi:10.1177/1084822313508647. Indexed in Scopus.
Paço, Arminda; Alves, Helena; Shiel, Chris; Leal Filho, Walter (2013), “Conserving behaviour: a replication of the ENVIROCON scale in four countries”, APCBEE Procedia 5, 44 – 49.
Mainardes, Emerson Wagner, Alves, Helena, Raposo, Mario (2013) Portuguese Public University Student Satisfaction: A Stakeholder Theory Based Approach, Tertiary Education and Management, Volume 19, Issue 4, pp: 353-372.Scopus indexed
Hernández-Mogollón, José-Manuel, Campón-Cerro ,Ana-María, Alves, Helena (2013) Authenticity in environmental high-quality destinations: a relevant factor for green tourism demand, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol.12, No. 10, 1535-1544. ISI listed.
Costa, L.; Alves, H. (2013) Relationship Marketing in Tourism: Most valued relational bonds by the Iberian tourists and their presence in tourism regions web pages, Tourism and Hospitality International Journal.1(1), pp: 181-216.
Lobo, A.; Duarte, P.; Carvalho, A.; Rodrigues, V.; Monteiro, M.J.; Alves, H. (2013) The Association of Equity, Accessibility, and Price With Primary Healthcare User’s Satisfaction. Western Journal of Nursing Research, XX (X), pp: 1-18. DOI: 10.1177/0193945913497830. ISI Listed.
Paço, Arminda; Alves, Helena; Shiel, Chris; Leal Filho, Walter (2013) Development of a green consumer behavior model” International Journal of Consumer Studies. DOI: 10.1111/ijcs.12009. ISI listed
Mainardes, Emerson Wagner, Alves, Helena, Raposo, Mario (2013) Identifying University Stakeholders. Revista de Educación, 362. Septiembre-Diciembre, pp: 429-457. ISI Listed.
Lanero, A.;Vázquez, J. L., M., García P.; Alves, H. (2013) The Perception of Sustainability in the University: Implications for Undergraduates’ Attitudes towards Responsible Consumption’ The International Journal of Sustainability Education, 8 (1), 131-141.
Wymer, W.; Alves, H. (2013) Scale development research in nonprofit management & marketing: a content analysis and recommendation for best practices. International review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 10, 65-86. Scopus Indexed.
Azêdo, D.; Alves, H.; Wymer, W. (2013) Internal marketing in public health care. Public policy and administration, 11(4), 641-658.
Vázquez, J. L.; Lanero, A.; Alves, H.; Gutiérrez, P., García, M. P. (2013) An Analysis of the Reasons Attributed by Spanish Undergraduates to CSR in Organizations and its Implications for Consumer Behavior, Economic Research. Special Issue 2 (December), 69-82. ISI Listed com o nome Ekonomska Istrazivanja-Economic Research.
Paço, Arminda; Alves, Helena; Shiel, Chris; Leal Filho, Walter (2013) A multi-country level analysis of environmental attitudes and behaviours among young consumers. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. DOI:10.1080/09640568.2012.733310 ISI Listed.
Alves, H. (2013) Co-creation and innovation in public services. Service Industries Journal, 33:7-8, 671-682, DOI:10.1080/02642069.2013.740468, ISI Listed.
Azêdo, D.; Alves, H. (2013). Práticas de marketing interno nas organizações de saúde e a sua influência na motivação dos enfermeiros. Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública. (forthcoming).
Campón-Cerro, A.; Hernández-Mogollón, J.; Alves, H. (2012) “Loyalty determination in the Tourism Sector: models and constructs”, In Strategic Marketing in Tourism Services. Springer, pp. 163-183.
Paço, A.; Alves, H.; Nunes, C. (2012) Ecotourism from both hotels and tourists’ perspective. Economics & Sociology, Vol. 5, No 2, pp. 132-142. Scopus indexed.
Wymer, W.; Alves, H. (2012) A review of scale development practices in nonprofit management and marketing. Economics & Sociology, Vol. 5, No 2, pp. 143-152 Scopus indexed.
Mainardes, Emerson Wagner, Raposo, Mario, Alves, Helena (2012) Universities Need a Market Orientation to Attract Non-Traditional Stakeholders as New Financing Sources. Public Organization Review. (DOI)10.1007/s11115-012-0211-x. Scopus Indexed.
Mainardes, Emerson Wagner, Alves, Helena, Raposo, Mario (2012) A model for stakeholder classification and stakeholder relationships, Management Decision, 50 (10), 1861 – 1879. ISI listed
Alves, H. (2012) Co-creation and innovation in public services. Services Industries Journal, DOI:10.1080/02642069.2013.740468, iFirst Article. ISI Listed.
Pereira, C.; Ferreira, J.; Alves, H. (2012) Tacit Knowledge as Competitive Advantage in Relationship Marketing: A Literature Review and Theoretical Implications. Journal of Relationship Marketing, Volume 11, Issue 3, pp: 172-197. Scopus Indexed.
Mainardes, Emerson Wagner, Raposo, Mario, Alves, Helena (2012) Public university students’ expectations: an empirical study based on the stakeholders theory. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 35 E, 173-196. ( ISI Listed)
Mainardes, Emerson Wagner, Raposo, Mario, Alves, Helena (2012) O desempenho das Universidades Públicas Portuguesas segundo seus alunos: Análise de eficiência por meio de Data Envelopment Analysis, Revista Gestão Universitária na América Latina – GUAL, 5 (1), 184-215.
Mainardes, Emerson Wagner, Raposo, Mario, Alves, Helena (2012) Journal Editor Perceptions of Universities: Some Empirical Evidence. Tertiary Education and Management, Volume 18, Issue 1, March 2012, pages 79-92
Duarte, P.; Raposo, M.; Alves (2012) Using a Satisfaction Index to Compare Students’ Satisfaction During and After Higher Education Service Consumption, Tertiary Education and Management, Volume 18, Issue 1, March 2012, pages 17-40. Scopus Indexed.
Mainardes, Emerson Wagner, Alves, Helena, Raposo, Mario; Domingues, M. José (2012) Marketing in higher education: a comparative analysis of the brazil and portuguese cases, International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 9, pp: 43-63. Scopus Indexed.
Mainardes, Emerson Wagner; Raposo, Mario; Alves, Helena (2011) Organizations with Dispersed Powers: Suggestion of a New Management Model Based on the Stakeholders Theory, Journal of Management Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp: 1-31.
Mainardes, Emerson Wagner ; Alves, Helena; Domingues, Maria José Carvalho de Souza (2011) Cursos de administração em instituições privadas de ensino superior: estudo sobre os fatores de atração de estudantes em Joinville, sc. RGO. Revista Gestão Organizacional (Online), v. 4, p. 94-114.
Mainardes, Emerson Wagner, Alves, Helena, Raposo, Mario (2011) The process of change in university management: from the “ivory tower” to entrepreneurialism. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 33 E/2011, 124-149. ISI Listed.
Alves, H. (2011) The measurement of perceived value in higher education: a unidimensional approach, The service Industries Journal, volume 31, number 12, pp: 1943-1960. ISI Listed.
Hernández, J.; Campón, A. ; Alves, H. (2011) The state of the art in research into rural tourism in Spain: An analysis from the perspective of marketing, Enlightening Tourism. A Pathmaking Journal, Vol.1, Nº 1, pp: 31-61.
Emerson Wagner, Alves, Helena; Raposo, Alves (2011). Stakeholder Theory: issues to resolve, Management Decision, vol.49 (2), pp. 226 – 252. Revista listada no ISI under Management.
Almeida, M.C.; Alves, H.; Miguel, R. (2011) “A imagem das Marcas portuguesas de vestuário” in A Moda num mundo global, Cantista, I.; Martins, F.; Rodrigues, P.; Alvim, M. (coordenadores), Vida Económica. Lisboa. pp: 20-41.
Mainardes, Emerson Wagner, Raposo, Mário; Alves, Helena (2011) “The Present and the Future of Higher Education: A View from Portugal” in Higher Education in a State of Crisis, Roccio M. Teixeira (editor). Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World Series. NOVA Publishers. pp. 23-47.Nova York.
Mainardes, Emerson Wagner, Alves, Helena, Raposo, Mário (2010) “A gestão das instituições de ensino superior e o relacionamento com os stakeholders” in Reflexões sobre Administração Universitária e Ensino Superior, Silveira, A. E Domingues, Mª J. (Coordenadoras). Juruá Editora e Edifurb, pp: 131-161.
Alves, H. (2010) – “La satisfacción y la calidad como medio para captar y fidelizar a los clientes” in Pon En Marcha Tus Ideas – Diez Lecturas De Introducción A La Creación De Empresas Y Servicios, J.L Vázquez Burguete, Director; M.P. Garcia Miguélez, Coordinadora, Léon, pp. 41-64.
Alves, Helena, Mainardes, Emerson Wagner (2010) Are we teaching social marketing properly? ICFAI Journal of Higher Education, Vol. V, No. 3, pp. 48-62, August 2010
Alves, Helena (2010) The Who, Where and When of Social Marketing. Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 22: 4, 288 – 311
Alves, Helena, Mainardes, Emerson Wagner, Raposo, Mário (2010) A Relationship Approach to Higher Education Stakeholder Management, Tertiary Education and Management, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp: 159-181.
Antunes, Vera; Alves, Helena; Rodrigues, Ricardo (2010) O estado actual da Orientação Empreendedora e do Marketing no Sector Termal, Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, Vol. 1, Nº 13/14, pp.175-184.
Campón-Cerro, Ana; Hernández-Mogollón; Alves, Helena (2010) Marketing Relacional e Turismo: A fidelização de Clientes no Turismo Rural, Proposta de um Modelo para o seu Estudo, Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, Vol. 1, Nº 13/14, pp.231-241.
Alves, Helena and Canilho, Porfirio (2010), Are Leadership Styles and Maturity in Healthcare Teams Synchronized? (July 1, 2010). The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. IX, No. 3, pp. 7-27.
Mainardes, Emerson Wagner, Alves, Helena, Domingues, Maria José Carvalho de Souza (2010) The attraction of students to the undergraduate course in management: multicase study on the factors attracting students in Joinville, SC. International Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp: 115-126.
Alves, Helena (2010) Perceived Value Index in Higher Education. Innovative Marketing, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp: 33-42.
Vital, Fernanda; Alves, Helena (2010) THE Importance of Welcoming New Employees and its Impact on Professional Motivation and Satisfaction, Asia Pacific Journal of Business and Management, Volume 1 (1), 15-28.
Duarte, Paulo; Alves, Helena; Raposo, Mário (2010) Understanding University Image: Structural Equation Model Approach, International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 21-36, (SCOPUS).
Alves, Helena; Campón-Cerro, Ana; Silva, Vanessa (2010) Impacts of Small Tourism Events on Rural Places, Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp.22-37.
Alves, Helena; Raposo, Mário (2010) – The influence of university image on student behaviour”, International Journal of Educational Management, Vol. 24, No 1, p- 73-85.
Mainardes, E.; Alves, H.; Domingues, M. J. (2009) – “Which Factors are Important to Attract Students to Undergraduate Administration Courses?”, The FedUni Journal of Higher Education, Vol. IV. Nos. 84-102, pp. 84-102.
Raposo, Mário; Alves, Helena; Duarte, Paulo (2009) – “Dimensions of Service Quality and Satisfaction in Healthcare: A Patient’s Satisfaction Index”, Service Business, Vol. 3, No 1, pp: 85-100. (ISSN:1862-8516), (SCOPUS).
Alves, Helena and Raposo, Mário (2009) – “The measurement of the construct satisfaction in higher education”, The Services Industries Journal, Vol.29, N. 2. pp.203-218. (Print ISSN: 0264-2069, Online ISSN: 1743-9507; Revista listada no ISI Social Science Citation Index under Management).
Alves, Helena and Raposo, Mário (2007) ‘Student Satisfaction Index in Portuguese Public Higher Education’, The Service Industries Journal, 27:6,795 – 808 (Print ISSN: 0264-2069, Online ISSN: 1743-9507; Revista listada no ISI Social Science Citation Index under Management).
Alves, H.; Raposo, M. (2006) – “Conceptual Model of Student Satisfaction in Higher Education”, Total Quality Management, Vol.18, Nº 5, pp. 571-588. (ISSN 0954-4127, Online ISSN: 1360-0613; Revista listada no ISI Social Science Citation Index under Management)
Alves, H.; Raposo, M. (2004) – “Measurement of Students’ Satisfaction In Higher Education Institutions: The Case Of University Of Beira Interior”, International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, Vol.1, Nº1. (ISSN: 1865-1984- print version, ISSN: 1865-1992 – electronic version, Springer; (SCOPUS).
Alves, H.; Raposo, M.; Silva, M.J.; Rodrigues, R. (2001) – “Políticas de marketing na Indústria Têxtil e de Vestuário”, Revista Portuguesa de Gestão, III série, Ano 16, Nº 2, (Abr/Mai/Jun), pp. 78-86. (ISSN nº 0874-8456)
Alves, H. (2000) – “As Dimensões da Qualidade no Serviço Educação: Uma percepção dos alunos da Universidade da Beira Interior”, Revista Portuguesa de Gestão, III série, Ano 15, Nº 4, (Outono), pp. 78-89. (ISSN: 0874-8456)
Alves, Helena; Raposo, Mário (1999) – “O marketing nas universidades: Um estudo exploratório sobre a satisfação dos alunos como clientes no ensino superior”, Revista Portuguesa de Marketing, Nº 8 (Dezembro), pp.67-80. (ISSN: 0871-4940)
Raposo, M.; Alves, H.; Silva, M. J. e Azevedo, S. (1997) – “A ética e a actividade empresarial”, Anais Universitários, Ciências sociais e Humanas, Universidade da Beira Interior, nº8, pp.319-335. (ISSN:0871-4940).