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- Academy of International Business
- Academy of Management
- Advertising Research Foundation
- American Academy of Advertising
- American Association of Advertising Agencies
- American Management Association
- American Marketing Association
- American Psychological Association, with The Society for Consumer Psychology
- American Statistical Association
- Asia Pacific Marketing Federation
- Association Française du Marketing
- Association for Consumer Research
- Chartered Institute of Marketing
- Classification Society of North America
- The Direct Marketing Association
- EIASM, the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management
- ESOMAR, the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research
- INFORMS, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
- Institute of Public Relations
- Institute for the Study of Business Markets at Penn State
- International Advertising Association
- International Newspaper Marketing Association
- Marketing Institute of Singapore
- Marketing Research Association
- Marketing Science Centre at University of South Australia
- Marketing Science Institute
- NIMA, a Dutch association for marketing, with the Industrial Marketing Group
- NVMI, a Dutch association for market research
- Product Development and Management Association
- RITIM, Research Institute for Telecommunications and Information Marketing
- Sales & Marketing Executives International
- SMT, the Professional Society for Sales & Marketing Training
- Southern Management Association
- Southern Marketing Association
- Strategic Management Society
- VOC, Dutch Classification Society
- VVS, Dutch statistical association
- Western Marketing Educators’ Association