
Curricular Unit Scientific Area ECTS
Research Methodology G (ME) 8
Consumer Behavior G (ME) 6
Optional 1 G (ME) 8
Optional 2 G (ME)/G/E/O 4
Strategin Management G (ME) 4
Data Analysis G (ME) 8
Thesis Project G (ME) 8
Innovation and Entrepreneurship G (ME) 6
Business and Marketing Ethics G (ME) 4
Optional 3 G (ME)/G/E/O 4
Thesis G (ME) 60
Thesis G (ME) 60
Curricular Unit Scientific Area ECTS
Optional 1
Advanced Studies Marketing G (ME) 8
Advanced Studies in Strategy G (ME) 8
Optional 2
Logistics G (ME)/G/E/O 4
Services Marketing G (ME)/G/E/O 4
Optional 3
Internationalization and Global Marketing MKE 4
Public, Non-profit and social Marketing MKE 4

: 6 semesters (180 ECTS)


Programme of the course “Internationalization and Global Marketing” (Year 2010/2011) here

Programme of the course “Public, Nonprofit and Social Marketing” (Year 2010/2011) here